Mathematical analysis of individual physical fitness test rates and functionality forecasts
Associate Professor A.A. Ivanova1
Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Ryzhkin1
Associate Professor, PhD T.A. Stepanova2
Associate Professor, PhD E.A. Nurdygin3
1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
2South Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
3Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Penza
Objective of the study was to apply a mathematical analytical toolkit to find the most informative physical fitness test criteria for junior badminton players. Sampled for the study were beginner junior badminton players (n=25) to obtain the following test data: physical development rates (body length, mass, chest excursion, right/ left wrist strength); general physical fitness test rates (flexibility test; standing long jump test; jump rope test; push-up test; hang test; and abdomen strength test); functionality tests (Stange-Gench Breath-Holding Test; Ozeretsky probe); and the physical fitness tests (shuttle run; standing long jump; response rate; pull-ups; abdomen strength tests; and the overall physical fitness test). In addition, the authors rated the individual stress tolerance i.e. the ability to maintain high fitness in trainings and competitions and act successfully in every game situation. Individual competitive performance was interpreted as the win probability for the whole study period. In addition, we rated the cardiovascular system (CVS) and respiratory system stress tolerance by the post-training rehabilitation tests. The study data and analyses give reasons to believe that the test rates and progress data generated by the statistical processing tools provide inclusive and reasonably objective information for the physical fitness process control and management. The new approaches substantiated by the study were found beneficial and may be recommended as universal tools for the training system improvement initiatives in different sport disciplines.
Keywords: elite sports, physical progress, mathematical analysis, functionality, badminton.
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