Effects of synergized technical skills on competitive performance in football
Postgraduate student A.S. Zajchenko1
Professor, PhD Yu.A. Popov1
PhD E.N. Yashkina1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Competitive performance in football may be interpreted as a sequence of optional technical skills purposefully selected by the footballer from the own toolkit to succeed in every encounter in the match; i.e. a combination of interrelated and synergized technical skills. It is rather important that the versatile technical skills are harmonized in the qualitative and quantitative aspects for success; and it is important to analyze their interrelations and synergizing effects to improve training systems in football. This is the reason why the sport community gives a special priority today to the new training tools to excel the skills required for success in every encounter and understand their interdependences. It is a common knowledge that the individual ball control mastery is tested in the specific game situations and solutions, with the key role played by the technique performance efficiency, timeliness and speed – as dictated by every encounter. The technical skills combining and synergizing abilities and experiences are always beneficial for an individual competitive performance. Based on this assumption, the authors analyzed multiple correlations of modern technical skills in football.
Keywords: technical fitness, technical skills, game role, footballer, correlation analysis.
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