Coordination abilities excelling trainings in synchronized skating
O.V. Kudryavtseva1
A.V. Zenkina1
O.A. Chernyshova1
Associate Professor, PhD M.A. Kaymin1
A.V. Kharchenko2
1Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies under Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Modern synchronized skating is a relatively young but fast progressing sport discipline, with its training systems obviously being in need of fundamental theoretical and practical provisions for every training process stage and version. We propose practical provisions for the coordination qualities excelling trainings in synchronized skating groups in the sport excellence stage, with the special age- and progress-specific physical trainings and tools customizable on an individual basis. The study data showed benefits of the new coordination qualities excelling training model as verified by the meaningful progress of the sport excellence groups in the coordination qualities tests.
Keywords: coordination abilities, synchronized skating, sport excellence trainings, special physical trainings.
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