Domestic information technologies applicable in ice hockey trainings to substitute import
Associate Professor, PhD P.G. Bordovsky1
Associate Professor, PhD V.V. Filatov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to develop a domestic version of the computerized technical/ tactical performance scoring and analyzing software for the ice hockey sport. In the training process facilitating special software design process, we applied the following data collection and processing algorithm: video captures of matches and individual encounters; individual performance analysis for every key game episode; performance data processing by the mathematical statistics tools; performance benchmarking analysis versus the commonly recognized performance standards; classification of the most efficient performance standards for the team training and analyzing purposes. The training software were developed based on Calc (LibreOffice) matrix with the open codes and supplemented with a convenient service interface for the tactical/ technical performance data inputs. The software gives the means to compute, in a time-efficient manner, the individual performance efficiency ratios as soon as the tactical/ technical performance data are input for analysis; and may be used for the online game control and management purposes during the match, conditional on the necessary flow of data inputs – that means that the performance data may be analyzed any time during the match. We recommend for the coaching teams to apply this free game performance rating and analyzing software of home design to support the training and competitive systems and processes in the ice hockey sport.
Keywords: information technologies, import substitution, training and education process improvement, individual tactical/ technical performance data.
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