Distance education technology to form self-reliant training algorithm for elite academic figure skaters
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Zhgun1
L.V. Kuznetsova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Sport universities give a special priority to the efforts to improve and facilitate the self-reliant trainings and studies of the elite academic athletes who actively compete in picked teams of different levels. The education and training process individualization initiatives are generally intended to help them find the key information for the academic progress and concentrate on the theoretical and practical materials of the academic course, with the studies being facilitated by a clear academic progress algorithm.
The efficient self-reliant training facilitation algorithm was developed under the Distance Academic Education Complex for TiMIVS (figure skating) Discipline to lay a sound foundation for the learning process, knowledgebase formation and progress tests. The Distance Academic Education Complex may be described as the closed education cycle including the systematized theoretical materials illustrated by videos; graphical materials; and chronological tables accessible via references in the basic academic curriculum; plus recommendations and guiding materials to assist in the progress tests, with the ready tests uploaded to the relevant cells in the electronic forms.
Keywords: academic self-reliant learning and control, multimedia education technologies, distance education, picked teams, figure skating.
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