Physical education instructor service rating model for preschool education quality assurance system
Associate Professor, PhD V.E. Tsibulnikova1
A.A. Potapova2
1Moscow State University of Education, Moscow
2School 1329, Moscow
The study was designed to develop and test 16 physical education instructor service quality rating criteria, with the service rated in the following four domains: quality of the physical education service program, model and tools; physical education service quality; quality of the physical education instructor cooperation with the children and partners; and the quality of the educational provisions for the service. The quality of the physical education service in six preschool operations was scored on average by 4.1 points on a 5-point scale. Scored the lowest was the service quality by the following criteria: ‘service fitness and service assets’ (3.7 points); and ‘notes and technological map for the physical education session’ (3.8 points). Scored the lowest was the service quality by the following criteria: ‘children’s personality development and emotional wellbeing (enthusiasm in trainings, activity, curiosity, motivations, interests)’ and the ‘physical education instructor’s sensitivity and attentiveness to children’ (4.8 points); ‘physical education session scheduling versus the standard; compliance of the valid sanitary and safety standards’ (5.0 points). The study data and analysis showed benefits of the physical education instructor service quality rating model with its efficient tools to detect the progress and drawbacks of the physical education service and correct them.
Keywords: education quality assurance, physical education instructor service rating model, physical education session analysis.
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