Correlation of physical education and acting mastery developing education



Associate Professor D.T. Mamirova
Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture, Tashkent

The article considers the ways to harmonize the physical education and professional progress in the actors’ training systems. Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the harmonized physical education and acting mastery building education. Physical practices are known to have their specific effects on an individual psycho, with the body language playing the key role in the individual scenic mastery for the performance being authentic and appealing for spectators. The special physical education service for actors will be designed to secure the required physical fitness, movement controls, necessary physical qualities and skills and a high stamina, with the potential competitive successes heavily motivating and contributing, in addition to the physical progress, to the individual ethical, aesthetical and intellectual progress; with and individual physical culture assessable by a variety of objective and subjective progress rating criteria. It is quite traditional and obligatory for the acting mastery course students to have good physical fitness with every quality and skill required for physical progress and movement control. Acting mastery and career may be facilitated by a healthy lifestyle, reasonable competence in physical and mental rehabilitation techniques applicable for mitigation of negative effects of high mental/ emotional stressors or diseases – for success in the professional careers and happiness in family lives. Physically and professionally developed graduates are known to be focused, determined and successful in many aspects of their service and social life. The study data and analysis shows that the modern physical education service for the acting mastery course students shall be given a high priority to recognize its cultural, personality development and professional service benefits for the future actor.

Keywords: physical education, cultural process, acting, approach, progress, monitoring, health.


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