Ethical and patriotic values cultivating methods in academic physical education service for female students
E.Yu. Sysoeva1
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.V. Sysoev2
PhD Yu.V. Kraev3
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Health, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
3Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow
Since good ethical and patriotic values are indispensable for female university students and their future children, the study was designed to explore the potential benefits of the reinstated GTO Complex for these purposes. Sampled for a questionnaire survey were 1250 female students of a pedagogical university. The survey data showed that the patriotism cultivation component of the physical education process is still underestimated by the faculty since most of the sample was tested with the underdeveloped patriotism. In addition, the psychological climate in the academic groups was found inadequate to facilitate spiritual progress and friendly interpersonal relations and communication i.e. the collectivistic agendas with good social qualities and skills so important for social progress.
Patriotic values were tested underdeveloped in many female students of the pedagogical universities; and the physical education faculty is recommended giving a special priority to the ethical and patriotic values cultivating methods in the academic physical education service.
Keywords: values and priorities, female students, ethical and patriotic values, GTO Complex, psychological climate.
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