Physical education system planning within academic electronic education service



Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.S. Barchukov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Educational process planning comprises one of the key components of the academic electronic education (EO) since it gives the means to stage and manage the learning process on the whole and the physical education (PE) service in particular, with the necessary PE tools being purposefully combined in a reasonably versatile manner. The authors made an attempt to provide theoretical grounds for the physical education service planning within the modern academic electronic education system. The proposed planning process pyramid spells out the assets, technologies, information and learning materials that are needed at every process stage, with the resource provisioning deadlines to secure due quality of academic physical education, trainings and competitions.
The study offers a cascade process planning model that includes harmonized terms of reference, design requirements, process design and software tools (with relevant coding, implementation, testing, debugging, installation and follow-up provisions) for the academic PE service in the EO system; with the process being staged so that every next stage starts only when the last one is fully completed. The authors conclude that the PE service planning within academic electronic education system shall be based on sound theoretical provisions with the education methods and tools being flexibly combined and harmonized for success of the education service, with the learning formats being highly sensitive to the individual physical fitness, skills and psychophysical qualities of every student.

Keywords: physical education, electronic education, system planning, planning pyramid, cascade planning.


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