Optimization of body conditioning at cadets' advanced specialization stage



PhD, Associate Professor N.G. Rusakova2
PhD, Associate Professor R.G. Khanov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Moiseev1
1Daghestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala
2Togliatti State University, Togliatti

The authors discuss the possibility of using static-dynamic exercises in the body conditioning process of cadets. The scientific work was carried out in the period from 2015/2016 in the educational and sports complex "Olympus" in Togliatti with the structure of their special physical fitness of 36 cadets of three age groups (8–10, 11–13, and 14–16 years old) subject to the study. Using the method of factor analysis the authors traced the cadets' special fitness structure and identified the most informative tests of the many used for control purposes.
The authors offer a unified testing program and general quantitative criteria in the tests for cadets of different ages. However, when drawing up general conclusions on the cadets fitness, requirements should comply with the age characteristics of the subjects. These requirements are expressed in the total points scored in the control tests.
Information about the players' fitness level at each of the training stages can be used selectively depending on the goals and objectives and contribute to the management of the training process. In accordance with the general methodology, quantitative and qualitative assessments of the senior cadets' fitness at the preliminary and special basic training stages were consistently substantiated .

Keywords: static-dynamic exercises, validity, load, special physical training, cadets.


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