Wushu health gymnastics benefits for physical progress of primary schoolchildren
Postgraduate student Wang Gotuan1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor Shi Yukuan2
1Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University n.a. V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk
2Wushu Culture Research Institute "Henan University", China
The study was designed to address the still contradictory issues of the junior school physical education service to secure good physical progress; with this purpose, the study offers a new theoretically grounded Wushu health gymnastics model and tests its benefits. Objective of the study was to offer and test benefits of new efficient school physical education model with Chinese Wushu health gymnastics elements for the physical and mental progress of trainees.
The authors analyzed and summarized the valid legal and regulatory framework for the school physical education and the relevant national and foreign study findings recognized by the research community. It was found that the modern Wushu health gymnastics with elements of oriental martial arts offers multiple health benefits and may be practiced since childhood to facilitate physical development process, secure good physical progress and correct postural disorders. The authors recommend a higher priority being given to the modern Wushu health gymnastics training tools in the school physical education service for they prioritize special physical activity combined with certain respiratory practices plus develop world outlook and spiritual values via concentration on every move; with integrated positive effects on bodily flexibility, motor skills and movement coordination qualities.
Keywords: physical qualities, junior schoolchildren, health gymnastics, Wushu, motor skills, health, physical education, physical development, alternative tools, education specifics.
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