Benefits of off-class body-building training model for rural school physical education



Dr.Hab., Professor L.S. Dvorkin1
Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Dvorkina1
Master student S.O. Tarasov1
1Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar

The study analyzes benefits of an off-class body-building training model for rural school physical education. Sampled for the Experimental Group (EG, n=13) were the 12-14 year old schoolchildren from V.N. Machuga CYSS in Pereyaslavskaya village (Krasnodar Area, Bryukhovetsky district) who were trained 3 times a week on an off-class basis in addition to the school physical education curriculum; and the Reference Group (RG, n=14) was trained under the standard school physical education curriculum also 3 times a week. The EG versus RG progress was tested by the cardiovascular system functionality and all-round physical fitness tests. In a year the EG was tested to make meaningfully higher progress versus the RG as verified by the speed, flexibility, strength and static endurance pre- versus post-experimental tests. The EG was tested with meaningful cardiovascular system functionality progress in every of the six tests versus the RG progress only in one functionality test.

Keywords: 12-14-year-old schoolchildren, rural school, body-building, physical qualities, cardiovascular system functionality rate.


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