Opportunities to adapt academic physical education to GTO complex test standards with consideration for individual fitness of trainees and actual physical education service assets and equipment
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova1
V.V. Bobkov2
Dr.Hab., Professor A.P. Strizhak3
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Kuzmin2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (SRU), Moscow
3Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU - IEST), Moscow
The study analyzes the GTO Complex Class V/ VI test standards for the academic youth and the physical education service at the I.M. Gubkin Russian Oil and Gas State University to offer most efficient functionality/ physicality building tools and methods applicable in the academic physical education and sport service to train students for the age-specific GTO Complex tests. The study also analyzes the physical education and sports backgrounds of the students including their practical training/ competitive experiences and sport qualifications in the sport disciplines covered by the GTO Complex tests. The data were mined by a questionnaire survey and interviews, with 17-23 year old 1-3-year students (n= 4250) sampled for the study.
The study data and analyzes made it possible to offer recommendations on how the academic physical education service may be adapted to facilitate trainings for the age-specific GTO Complex tests with due consideration for individual fitness of trainees and actual physical education service assets and equipment.
Keywords: GTO Complex, physical training, students, physical education, test sets, physical education service assets and equipment.
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