Irkutsk state university beginner students’ physical development and physical fitness rating tests
PhD K.V. Sukhinina1
D.K. Lobkova1
PhD I.I. Plotnikova1
PhD O.S. Dorzhieva2
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
2Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude
The study was designed to analyze the physical development, including body mass, body length, body mass index, fat mass, muscle mass and total water mass) and physical fitness (tested by standard procedures) test rates in the Irkutsk State University beginner student population. Sampled for the tests were the first year students (n=539 including 183 males and 356 females). The male group was tested with the body mass and fat mass rates being under and above the norm, respectively, with the body mass rates in the both gender groups varying closer to the bottom limit of the norm. Total water mass was tested under the norm in the both gender groups. The physical fitness tests showed low flexibility rates and high test rates in the standing long jump test in the male group; and high test rates in the pull-ups, standing long jump and flexibility tests in the female group. This means that the female group was found better physically fit than the male one.
Keywords: beginner students, physical development, physical fitness, anthropometrical characteristics, body mass, body length, fat mass, lean body mass, water mass, test standards.
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