Physical education and sport sector development in the Far North



N.D. Polyatkina
Municipal autonomous institution “Nizhnevartovsk Sports school” Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of the existing physical education and sport service model for Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra population. Having analyzed the external and internal aspects of the physical education and sport service in the region, we found the following its benefits: stable financial support from the regional budget; efficient regional and municipal agencies in charge of the physical education and sport sector management; growing sport infrastructure in every municipality of the area; fairly good experience in organizing and hosting different sport events including the top-ranking international ones; sound interregional/ national/ international competitive experience accumulated by the local teams and individual athletes; and good support for the traditional ethnic and newly emerged sport disciplines in the area. Main drawbacks of the regional physical education and sport sector may be listed as follows: poor balance of the physical education and sport sector elements; poor progress in the new management technologies need to be implemented by the relevant regional and municipal agencies; still insufficient practical/ methodological support for the sector; inadequately trained physical education and sport service personnel; and shortage of skilled human resource in the regional physical education and sport system.
It may be concluded that the regional physical education and sport sector management standards need to be improved to efficiently coordinate efforts of the relevant agencies; the reforms shall be supported by timely new legal and regulatory to modify the existing legal and regulatory framework; extra financial support need to be provided; the physical education and sport sector shall make transition to the modern project management model; and the physical education and sport specialist training system need to be improved to secure inflow of highly skilled personnel for the sector.

Keywords: priority reforms, management tools, physical education and sport sector, benefits and drawbacks.


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