Outstanding physical training system design issues in children wrestling sport
Dr.Hab., Professor S.V. Novakovsky1
Associate Professor V.B. Lyubimov2
1Ural Federal University n.a. First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
2Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture (branch) UralGUFK, Yekaterinburg
Objective of the study was to analyze the outstanding design and practical issues of the beginner children wrestlers’ training systems. The study included a questioning survey of a representative sample of 22 experienced coaches and sport experts (with 7 years of practical junior wrestling sport coaching experiences on average) including 10 top-class coaches, 4 World Class Masters of Sport and 8 Masters of Sport. The sample was offered 12 classified (modular) questions to probe specific aspects of the beginner wrestlers’ training systems. The first questionnaire module was designed to probe and rank the key physical qualities and sport priorities of the junior trainees. The second questionnaire module profiled the key specifics of the individual physical qualities of the sample. The third questionnaire module probed the key institutional and practical issues of the beginner children wrestlers’ training systems. And the fourth questionnaire module was designed to outline the most efficient proportions of the all-round/ specific physical fitness tools in the beginner children wrestlers’ training systems. The study also analyzed the respondents’ experiences in using training tools from other sport disciplines in the beginner children wrestlers’ training systems to build up a range of versatile physical qualities and skills (within the standard all-round physical training modules); and analyze the opinions on the best competitive age and numbers of competitions per year.
Based on the study data and analysis, the authors found that analyses of the outstanding physical training system design issues in children wrestling sport help: build up the theoretical and practical basis of the modern wrestling sport; efficiently design and manage the beginner wrestlers’ training systems; and facilitate health-sensitive physical progress of the junior trainees for competitive success.
Keywords: competitive wrestling, physical training, children.
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