Combined choreographic training model for junior female rhythmic gymnastics



Postgraduate student Pen Tsun1
PhD, Professor T.S. Lisitskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Markaryan1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to rate benefits of choreographic trainings combined with practices with accessories (ball) in youth rhythmic gymnastics (sport specialization stage). The model testing experiment was run at Shanjan Sport School (China) in 2017, with Class II 10-11 year-old gymnasts (certified by the CPR Sport Ministry) sampled for the study (n=20).
The apparatus practices included the supported and unsupported exercises driven by logics of classical dance and apparatus routines. The experiment confirmed the prior assumptions and showed benefits of the new training model as verified by the Experimental Group progress in the ball routine execution difficulty and stability rates.
It may be concluded with confidence that the choreographic trainings combined with practices with accessories (ball) are beneficial for the junior rhythmic gymnastics training systems in the sport specialization stage, with particularly high progress in the interest to choreographic studies, enthusiasm in apparatus mastering trainings, artistry, expressivity and movement plasticity.

Keywords: combined training, sport choreography, rhythmic gymnastics.


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