2014 Olympic Games: elite ice-hockey goalkeeping technique analysis



Candidate V.S. Volkov
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to profile and analyze techniques of the elite ice-hockey goalkeepers of the strongest teams (Canada, Sweden, Finland and US) in the 2014 Olympic Games. The individual techniques were manually recorded and analyzed by the experts watching the semifinal match replays (Canada vs. US and Sweden vs. Finland). The data were input in a table with the movements for 60min game time classified as follows: (1) back-and-forth moves with constant ice contact; ‘torch’; open move; closed move; semi-cycle; pack-control rollout; (2) moves on the shinguards – split; semi-split; rollover; sitting moves on the shinguards; situational moves, including instinctive pack-catching moves uncovered in the training process (side falls, recumbent fend-offs etc.
The study data and analyses give the means to improve the training systems by making a special emphasis on the priority technical elements within the common time limitations for the special goalkeeper training practices and rehabilitation in between matches. The techniques classification and incidence statistics generated by the study provide an insight into the individual game control styles and the relevant elements (back-and-forth moves, splits etc.) and specifics of the individual techniques. The study data demonstrate the importance of high physical fitness for the goalkeepers that were tested to make 250 to 411 top-speed moves per match. The shinguard move incidence statistics show these goalkeeping techniques being at least as important as the skating ones.

Keywords: ice hockey, statistics, ice hockey goalkeeper, movement analysis, 2014 Olympic Games, technical training.


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