Dance plasticity and wavelike technique harmonizing model for rhythmic gymnastics
PhD, Professor T.S. Lisitskaya1
Graduate student Pen Tsun1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Markaryan1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyzes benefits of a new plasticity excelling training technology dominated by a wavelike dancing technique in modern rhythmic gymnastics. The model testing 6-month experiment was dominated by the preparatory and wavelike dancing exercises with apparatuses (ball and ribbon) combined into the following training modules:
(1) Fine wrist motor and ball balancing skills excelling practices; with ribbon spirals, serpents, spools and passes in couples;
(2) Juzz isolation technique plus ball hand/ spinal ball rollovers, shots, spirals and serpents;
(3) Hand waves and swings, ribbon spirals and serpents; and ball rollovers;
(4) Varied-direction body waves plus ball rollovers, throws, catches; ribbon spirals, serpents, passes, throws etc.;
(5) Harmonized sequential waves in standing positions plus ball/ ribbon throws, serpents etc.;
(6) Wavelike sitting/ recumbent positions plus ribbon spirals and serpents; ball rollovers, throws and catches with every body part;
(7) Combined wavelike sequences with apparatuses; and
(8) Acrobatic elements harmonized with the wavelike sequences.
The model testing experiment showed its benefits of the dance plasticity and wavelike technique harmonizing training method as verified by the gymnastic group progress in the movement plasticity and, hence, in the competitive performance quality.
Keywords: waves, swings, plasticity, rhythmic gymnastics, training stage, choreography.
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