15-16 year-old judokas’ special physical fitness tests: new progress test model
Matser's student E.A. Kabanova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
1Moscow State University of Education, Moscow
The study analyzes benefits of the new special physical fitness progress test model in application to the 15-16 year-old judokas of different weight classes, with a special priority to the technical and tactical skills. Sampled for the study were the junior judokas (n=159) and their top-professional coaches (n=5). Applied for the study purposes were the special physical fitness training system components; and the competitive performance ratings by experts using the Cendall concordation ratio, correlation analysis and benchmarking analysis. Based on the study data, we analyzed specifics of the weight-class-specific technical and tactical skills trainings; and offered the weight-class-specific progress test tools to profile the harmonized physical qualities in judokas versus classified opponents’ competitive performance models. Furthermore, we identified the lagging-behind technical skills in need of special progress trainings; underlined the need in a highly-versatile technical toolkit for a competitive success; offered a set of criteria to rate the weight-class-specific movement coordination qualities; and analyzed benefits of the weight-class-specific special physical fitness progress tests for the 50-55/ 60-66/ 73-81-90/ and 90+ weight classes sensitive to the competitive performance pacing and timing aspects.
Keywords: junior judokas, special physical fitness, weight classes, classified progress test tools.
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