Hook training model with application of fast-response sail training machine



E.O. Arkhipenkova1
D.N. Eremin1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the research was to develop and substantiate a training program to build competences related to communicative competence in bachelors majoring in 49.03.01 - “Physical Education”. Based on preliminary research, the authors identified the main factors influencing the communicative competence formation. A training program was developed, which includes exercises to build sustainable skills for coordinated work of different muscle groups and average speech rate. The 1st-year students majoring in Physical Education were an expert group (EG). The subjects were evaluated by a group of experts prior to the experiment and upon its completion based on the identified significant factors. An expert group evaluated the identified factor in each of the subjects. As a result, each of the subjects was subject to comprehensive assessment in all relevant factors.
The results of the study showed that the training program contributes to the improvement of the communicative qualities of speech. It helps to communicate emotionally and expressively in a professional manner with mass audience and influence an opponent during individual professional communication. Thus, this technique can be recommended for use in the training of all employees in the sports industry.

Keywords: communicative competence, professional competence, oral communication, speech, active methods, eloguence training.


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