Management competency improvement model for professional trainer-instructors
Applicant T.T. Abubakarova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor S.B. Elipkhanov1
1Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny
Objective of the study was to develop and experimentally test benefits of a management competency improvement model for professional trainers-instructors. The model was tested by the municipal Physical Education and sport system of Grozny city in the Chechen Republic, with the local CYSS/ CYORSS trainers-instructors, experts of the local advanced Physical Education and Sports training system and faculty members of Chechen State Pedagogical University sampled for the model testing experiment. The study data and analysis showed benefits of the new management competency improvement model for professional trainers-instructors – as verified by meaningful progress of the Experimental Group versus Reference Group in the pre- versus post-experimental management competency and skills tests; with the highly-fit share tested to meaningfully grow (р<0.05) in the EG versus the poorly-fit one, compared to insignificant progress in the RG.
Keywords: trainer-instructor, vocational teaching service, management competency.
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