Elite speed sprint and all-round skaters: functionality rating componential analysis
PhD, Associate Professor A.Yu. Titlov1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.A. Shirkovets2
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region
2Federal Scientific Center of Physical Education and Sports, Moscow
The process of long-term training of speed skaters has a different impact on the formation of those functional systems that determine special performance in view of the chosen specialization.
In the present article the authors analyze the speed skaters’ working capacity rates obtained in standard laboratory conditions. The physical fitness of the athletes was rated by stepped submaximal physical exercise tests, with the test time determined by the actual functionality indices of the athletes. The tests included analyses of the exhale and blood lactate at every stage of the tests to estimate the maximal power and aerobic/ anaerobic thresholds. The speed-strength qualities were rated by a strain gauge platform, with the maximal leg extension strength and one/ two leg jump time fixed in the tests. Sampled for the study were 24 elite speed skaters qualified masters of sport to world class masters of sport and having the close track records, including 12 sprinters and 12 speed skaters specializing in the classical all-round events.
The conducted tests found significant differences in the anthropometric characteristics, strength and functionality test indices of the testees. The multi-factorial group test data analysis (with both of the groups virtually identical in the sport specialization, age structure and qualifications) found significant intergroup differences in the special physical working capacity indices.
Keywords: speed skating, skaters of different specializations, functionality test rates.
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