Model characteristics of special physical fitness in elite high jumping sport
Dr.Hab., Professor I.K. Latypov1
D.G. Sirotkin2
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan
2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
The serious enhancement of the doping control by WADA over the past decade and the associated constant doping scandals with athletes from various countries have a affected Russlian track and field athletes. The sanctions against our athletes, their ban from competing in the 2016 Olympics and other international competitions since the end of 2015 created significant difficulties in the work of coaches and athletes. Integrated progress tests are in high priority in the modern training systems in the high jumping sport. The study was intended to develop and test by an experiment a new progress test model with model characteristics of special physical fitness applicable in the sport excellence stage in elite high jumping sport. The study included a questioning survey of athletes, the physical fitness progress tests and mathematical processing of the test data, with 38 elite high jumpers (qualified candidate masters of sport to world class masters of sport) sampled for the study.The model physical fitness characteristics made it possible to identify the advantages and drawbacks in the special physical fitness and training systems; offer the corrective training tools to bridge the gaps in the training systems; rate the physical resources and technical fitness of the athletes by the model tests; and develop the individual progress paths to improve the physical fitness of every athlete. The physical fitness scoring system applied in the progress tests makes it possible to fairly rate progress in every physical fitness aspect versus the expected competitive performance and indirectly rate the technical mastery of every athlete.
Keywords: high jumps, training system, special physical fitness, progress tests in high jump.
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