Personality self-development competency building in future teachers within health physical education service
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2019
Postgraduate student A.A. Ozerov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Tatyanina1
PhD M.Yu. Kulebyakina1
E.N. Ivanova1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk
The modern innovative processes in the national academic educational system are geared to reform it so as to effectively contribute to the social development. Presently the social order makes a special emphasis on the individual creativity and practice (rather than mass reproduction) prioritizing models to develop both the high academic competences and skills and due creativity, particularly in the personality self-development and trainees’ progress encouragement domains. The personality self-development competence with its complex, interdisciplinary, practice-prioritizing structure, health values and motivations implies due own commitment for the individual health agenda, whilst the health-centered physical education service will be dominated by the creativity-intensive practice-prioritizing mass sport formats. The article analyzes the benefits of the personality self-development competence building model for future teachers tested by experiment.
Keywords: personality self-development competence, future teacher, health-centered physical education, practice-prioritizing approach.
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