National judo team qualification for 2020 Olympics in Tokyo: strategies, options and prospects


Dr.Hab., Professor A.G. Levitsky1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Kuvanov2
V.A. Dorofeev2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Qualifications for the national judo team for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo has been going on since May 2018 within the total numbers, male/ female quotas for every weight class and age group set by International Judo Federation (IJF), and in compliance with the IJF regulations and selection criteria – mostly the rating points of the prospects in the qualification cycle. We analyzed the accomplishments of the national judo teams in the World Championships and the Olympic licensing prospects for the present qualification cycle, and offered the rating points winning strategies with analysis of their pros and cons. A special priority is given to the following three potential strategies: (1) join multiple low-ranking competitions to accumulate the rating points; (2) compete only in the high-ranking competitions bringing the highest rating points each; and (3) combine the low- and high-ranking events so as to collect the desired rating points. Every of the strategies may be successful if driven by the actual current individual performance rates of the athletes. A rating points collection strategy shall be selected on an individual basis for each prospect for the Olympics as required by the individual competitive fitness profiles.

Keywords: judo, World Championship, Olympic Games, qualification.


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  3. Available at: date of access: 7.11.2018.
  4. Available at: date of access:12.11.2018.
  5. Available at: date of access: 6.11.2018.
  6. Available at: date of access: 9.11.2018.