Formal/ informal sports classification systems analysis


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

PhD A.V. Generalov1
Dr.Med., Professor P.S. Turzin2
PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Lukichev3
A.S. Evseev1
1Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Research Institute of Healthcare and Medical Management, Department of Healthcare of the City of Moscow, Moscow
3Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Currently, the development of sports aroud the world has predetermined the emergence of more than 200 individual sports, characterized by specific subject of competition, set of movements, particular competitive performance and own competition rules. The present article analyzes the main existing sports classification (formal and informal) systems with an emphasis on their practical design basics. The study overviews the formal sports classification systems regulated by the relevant legal provisions versus the informal ones. The informal sports classification systems are widely developed and efficiently applied by the coaching teams and sport medicine to solve a variety of the research, practical, medical and biological issues coming up in the training and competitive processes; facilitate the health, therapeutic and rehabilitation programs; support modern training systems; contribute to the motor activity research projects and work out the relevant health/ training recommendations; study, on an integrated basis, medical, biological and psychophysical issues of the modern competitive processes to improve the training system efficiency etc.
It should be underlined that the versatile informal sports classification systems make it possible to effectively employ and customize the research, practical, medical and biological provisions for success of the training and competitive activity.

Keywords: sport disciplines, classification, athletes, regulation.


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