Analysis of physical fitness monitoring of students during academic year
Ph.D., associate professor S.N. Blinkov
Samara State Agricultural Academy (SGSKhA), Samara
It is known that physical fitness level is an integral indicator of physical condition of a person. In this regard, motor fitness of students of Samara State Agricultural Academy was tested at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. A comparative analysis of the level of overall conditioning and development of particular motor qualities from the beginning to the end of the year was carried and its dynamics was shown. The findings have not shown any significant growth in the majority of motor tests performed by the students. Based on the data recommendations on how to improve the physical fitness level of students of Samara State Agricultural Academy through organizing extracurricular motor activities, participation in various health and fitness activities were provided. Monitoring of students' physical fitness was proved to be an important way to raise their level of motor activity among students. It is advisable to focus on overall conditioning and control exercises of the All-Russian GTO physical culture and sports complex when organizing motor activity.
Keywords: physical fitness, motor test, development of motor qualities, dynamics of physical fitness, students.
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