Effect of play position on musculoskeletal diseases in young football players
Candidate A.I. Machnev
Ph.D., associate professor I.V. Osadchenko
Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAFK), Malakhovka, Moscow region
The paper presents statistical data on the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with regard to positions of football players of 14-15 years of age in the game. The purpose of the research was to substantiate prepathological and pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system in young football players.
Detected prepathological conditions and diseases of the musculoskeletal system both within the sample, and based on the play positions of young athletes are a prerequisite for the development of a technology of prevention of these diseases during sports training of young football players aimed at maintaining their physical health and increasing their physical fitness.
Keywords: football, play position, diseases, musculoskeletal system.
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