Optimization of physical fitness of young sambo wists on the basis of circuit training


Postgraduate student D.S. Valchugov
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to experimentally prove the effectiveness of exercise complexes using the circuit training method to optimize the overall physical fitness of 10-11-year-old sambo wrestlers.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific experiment was carried out on the basis of the municipal autonomous institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve", in which 36 boys aged 10-11 years old, who went in for SAMBO in elementary training groups, took part. In order to optimize the physical fitness of young sambists, the circuit training method was used, which was used at the end of the main part of the training, took 15-20 minutes in time and included 4-6 stations. Under the conditions of circuit training, there is a potential opportunity to adequately select a variety of exercises, training intensity, and use various equipment.
Results and conclusions. The use of the developed sets of exercises based on the method of circuit training made it possible to increase the level of strength abilities by 31%, coordination abilities - by 21.4%, endurance - by 26.2%, flexibility - by 23.7%, speed -strength abilities - by 22.4%. The use of the circuit training method opens up vast opportunities for improving the overall physical fitness of young sambists. The circuit training method is one of the most important means of increasing the level of physical fitness of young sambists and has a positive effect on the development of basic physical qualities.

Keywords: general physical training, sambo, sports training, physical fitness, circuit training.


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