Construction of a training session in the conditions of the implementation of the technology for the formation of a professional sports culture of the personality of cadets of educational institutions of the FPS of Russia


PhD M.V. Zvyagintsev
Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Novokuznetsk

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the model of a training session within the framework of the technology for the formation of a professional sports culture of the personality of cadets of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
Methods and structure of the study. Within the framework of the experiment, a block method of constructing a lesson is proposed, according to which organizational tasks are solved in the water and final parts of the lesson, and in the main part of the lesson the following blocks are allocated, which are aimed at solving the tasks of the lesson: a block of coordination orientation, a block of strength exercises for the muscles of the girdle of the upper limbs, a block of the main set of exercises, a block of strength exercises for the lower limbs, a block of psycho-emotional orientation, a block of strength exercises for the muscles of the body. This structure allows you to distribute the load, control the achievement of the educational objectives of the lesson, swap blocks as needed.
Results and conclusions. The proposed structure of the training session allows you to solve the following tasks: optimally distribute and dose the load based on the topic of the session; organize the lesson in such a way that through training activities to achieve the desired cumulative effect in those involved; to form the experience of competitive activity among cadets; to form a professional sports culture of the personality of cadets through the development of its motivational, cognitive, activity, reflexive components.

Keywords: professional sports culture of a person, model of a training session, educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, cadets, training in professional motor skills and abilities.


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