Psychological support service model for sprinters in annual training cycle
O.V. Sergeev1
K.M. Gura1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a psychological support service model for sprinters in an annual training cycle.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the psychological support service model testing experiment high-ranking sprinters (n=15) competing for the Tyumen Oblast and trained at the Special Olympic Reserve Sports School and Tyumen Sports Center. The experiment was timed to the core 1600m altitude training stage. Progress of the sample was tested by UPTF-1/30 Psycho-physiologist Test System; plus ReacTimeFinishLynx digital test system to rate stress tolerance versus the startup reaction speed and push-off strength on the starting pads, plus track false starts and the startup reaction time.
Results and conclusion. The study found the new psychological support service model beneficial as it encourages constructive cooperation of the coach with the sports psychologist to potentially attain the following five goals: (1) run psychological tests and control; (2) consult; (3) give the mental control improving recommendations; (4) address upcoming mental control issues and help mitigate them; and (5) facilitate the mental conditioning service for competitive success.
Keywords: athlete’s psychological support service, annual training cycle,cooperation, performance restoration, mental control means.
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