Formation of gender competency in physical education instructors of preschool educational institutions


PhD, Associate Professor L.P. Shustova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Danilov1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to identify the potentials of the system of supplementary education of adults in terms of the formation of gender competency in physical education instructors of preschool educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods applied in the work included theoretical research and analysis of modern scientific sources, programs of advanced training courses, innovative experience of realization of a gender approach in the preschool education system, Internet-resources, synthesis, and logical generalization methods.
Results and conclusions. The article underlines the need to adjust the programs of advanced training of physical education instructors in view of the introduction of the gender approach in preschool education. The potentials of the system of supplementary education of adults in the formation of the gender competency of preschool physical education instructors were examined. We identified a set of methodological and scientific-practical measures carried out during the advanced training courses and extracurricular activities, including: implementation of the training module "Gender approach in the academic physical education of preschoolers" and development of the training package; training at the Ulyanovsk experimental sites for innovative activities aimed to implement the gender approach in preschool education; holding conferences, seminars, and creative meetings on gender issues; creation of a virtual methodical piggy bank and publication of teaching aids and recommendations for preschool teachers.

Keywords: gender approach in preschool education, gender competency of physical education instructor, preschool physical education service, supplementary education system.


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