Evolution of dance sport judging system with regard to objectivity



PhD, Associate Professor N.F. Singina
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

In the course of development of dance sport, the judging system has been changed and improved in order to objectify the places won by dance couples and decide the winners. Since the contest result depends on the scores given by qualified judges in accordance with the established protocol, there are inevitable subjective factors that interfere with this procedure and can significantly affect the final result. In this view, the judging systems evolve towards objectification of the scores given by the panel of judges. The article considers the evolution of judging systems from the Skating System to the currently used JS 3.0 System and the approaches used in both systems as well as earlier JS 1.0/2.0 Systems to increase their objectivity. It was concluded that in the judging system, where competitive performance of dance couples is assessed by comparing them with each other, subjective scoring and inaccurate assessment are highly possible. Although judges are trained and licensed, they score subjectively, which is why the judging systems with strict rating parameters have an advantage in terms of objectivity. Here, however, it is still possible to influence judges who may give points that are inappropriate for certain performance components but minimized by introducing the method for determining the median value in the JS2.1 System and its later version JS 3.0.

Keywords: dance sport, judging system, performance components, skating system, JS 3.0.


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