Comparative analysis of biomechanical characteristics of chest throw technique of sambo wrestlers of different qualifications
Postgraduate student B.A. Sviridov1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.I. Popov1
I.S. Pastukhov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative biomechanical analysis of the technique of chest throw in sambo. Sampled for the study were 10 sambo wrestlers including 5 first-rank athletes and 5 masters of sport. The wrestlers made 3 attempts to throw a 32.6 kg mannequin dressed in a sambo jacket over the chest. The movements were registered using passive reflective markers, which tracked the center of mass of the mannequin, and hip, knee, ankle and metatarsophalangeal articulations of the subjects. The kinematic parameters were obtained with the help of the Qualisys hardware-software complex consisting of 8 high-speed Oqus 300+ infrared cameras. The video shooting frequency was set at 200 Hz. The cameras were synchronized with two AMTI dynamometric platforms to study the support reaction forces. The chest throw technique was divided into 3 phases. The first phase is when the attacker develops from the initial position into the starting one. The second is a takedown phase, which is the most important for organization of forced throwing movements. The third phase is flight and landing. Using the Qualisys Track Manager program we obtained the data on the support reaction forces during the takedown phase, throw phases and angular velocity at knee joint, which were then compared. The duration of the throw execution phase in the masters of sport was shorter than in the first-rank athletes. Consequently, their throw execution speed was higher. This gives the opponent less time to counteract. The angular velocity at knee joint when executing the throw was higher in the masters of sport. This indicates a higher rate of contraction of the the anterior muscle group of the thigh. The relevance of the comparative analysis is determined by the need to identify trends in improving the technique of chest throw in sambo as sports qualification increases. The given biomechanical characteristics can be used by trainers for planning and monitoring the athletes’ physical fitness at the training stages.
Keywords: sambo wrestlers, chest throw, biomechanical characteristics, efficiency.
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