Gender-Related Features of Biomechanics and Variability of Treadmill Walking in Young People in Laboratory Study



Dr.Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov1
PhD A.S. Kintyukhin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Snigirev1
PhD R.O. Solodilov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to determine the specific features of biomechanics and variability of treadmill walking in young people.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the young people aged 19.8±1.95 years (n=37, including 18 girls). We analyzed the peculiarities of their biomechanics and variability of walking on a treadmill with incrementally-increasing speed (2÷7 km/h), 5 min at each speed. Based on the video recordings, we calculated the full step duration (FSD, s), mode amplitude (AMo, %), walking index (WI, c.u.), and step length (L, mm).
Results of the study. It was found that with the increasing walking speed, the walking index increased 15.3 times in the young males and 19.4 times in the females, while the full step duration decreases 1.83 times in the females and 1.67 times in the males. The walking randomness increased, as evidenced by the increase in the volume of quasi-attractor from 15,489 c.u. at a comfortable speed of 5 km/h to 63,191 c.u. at an extreme speed of 7 km/h. In the North, the walking index and volume of quasi-attractor can be used as indicators of individual reaction of the body of youngsters to physical loads.
Conclusion. The tempo-rhythmic characteristic (cadence) of walking was presented earlier, and it was shown that the cadence rate of 96 steps/min corresponds to the energy demand of 3 MET for females and 92 steps/min - for males. The dependence of energy consumption on the cadence rate is expressed in the equation as follows: E = 3.31 - 0.044K + 0.004K2, where E is the energy consumption in MET, K is the cadence in steps/min, 0.044 and 0.004 are empirical coefficients. The formula helps determine the cadence rate in steps/min at 4 and 5 MET in cases when it is necessary to increase the walking intensity in university students or during rehabilitation of outpatients.

Keywords: cadence, walking, walking index, quasi-attractors, young people.


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