Model characteristics of functional efficiency of energy systems in highly-qualified racing skiers trained for XXIV Olympic Winter Games in Bbeijing (China) in 2022



PhD A.I. Golovachev1
PhD V.I. Kolykhmatov1
PhD S.V. Shirokova1
PhD N.B. Novikova2
1Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports (FRS VNIIIFK), Moscow
2St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

The given article presents, for the first time, the results of development of model characteristics of energy supply systems in highly-qualified cross-country skiers, the achievement of which underlies the successful performance at the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in Beijing (China) in 2022. Considering the requirements for the formation of model characteristics of female athletes trained for the Olympic Games, we selected 18 indicators to assess the level of physical working capacity, state of the power and economization capabilities of the main energy supply systems (oxidation and lactacid) and acting as a system-forming factor that integrates the functional systems of the body. The study involved 19 female cross-country skiers from different age groups (from 19 to 27 years of age) and with different sports experience (from 6 to 13 years of age). They were all qualified from candidate masters of sport to WCMS and specialized in various types of competitive activity. The study of the functional capabilities of the female athletes was carried out during the 2015-2018 Olympic cycle under the program of methodological support during the stage-by-stage comprehensive examinations conducted in the laboratory of Olympic cyclic sports of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Science Center for Physical Culture and Sport. The methodological feature of the study was the creation of a structural-functional model (model of Olympic athlete-2022), which includes the indicators that reflect the individual characteristics of development of energy supply systems ensuring effective selection, identification of the degree of readiness to perform specific muscular activity, as well as correction of the training process.

Keywords: cross-country skiing, females, model characteristics, functioning efficiency of the oxidation and lactacid energy systems, anaerobic threshold, dynamics of the studied parameters.


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