Informative indicators of archer's body stability during their pre-competitive implementation


Dr.Hab. L.V. Tarasova1
Dr.Hab. T.S. Timakova1
PhD A.N. Korzhenevsky1
O.M. Mamychkin2
1Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports (FRS VNIIIFK), Moscow
2Margelov Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Command School, Ryazan

The given study revealed the factors of body stability in archers at the pre-season training stage, which indirectly affect their shooting technique and act as special fitness criteria for qualifying for competitions.
The importance of informative indicators of special fitness of archers necessitates their consideration when practicing the shooting technique, increasing the accuracy and centrality of hits.
Determination of the postural asymmetry in the archers in the "Target" test necessitated an in-depth study of interrelated indicators of body stability at the pre-season training stage by means of a factor analysis.
The factor structure revealed the most significant factors disturbing the archers’ body stability and affecting the static body position when shooting. The revealed factors made it possible to study in detail the indicators disturbing the body stability, which can be taken into account in the process of athletic training of archers at the pre-season stage.
The analysis of the factors of body stability in archery makes it possible to control the main competitive exercise and develop the basic postures relative to the normal standing position of an archer with due regard to the identified asymmetries that affect the shooting technique.

Keywords: body stability, archers, asymmetry coefficient, pre-season training, informative indicators.


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