Individual kinesiological resource mobilizing in training process



Postgraduate student D.E. Golovko1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.I. Zagrevskaya1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Practical trainings in sports may be defined as the special assisted physical education process geared to physically and mentally fit athlete in many aspects for success. The given study analyzes the individual kinesiological resource mobilizing aspect for the training system efficiency improvement purposes.
Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical basis for an integrated kinesiological resource mobilizing training module.
The study demonstrates that an athletic kinesiological resource may be interpreted as the harmonic combination of anthropological, functional, biomechanical, mental, movement coordination and physical fitness rates. It was found that the competitive successes in most of the sport disciplines largely depend on the psychomotor kinesiological resource rates critical for the individual performance although the sport science is still in need of integrated psychomotor qualities test methods. Based on the study data, we produced a theoretically grounded test system to rate the athletes’ psychomotor qualities in context of the individual kinesiological resource to improve the theoretical and practical training system design and management standards in different sports.

Keywords: kinesiological resource, psychomotor qualities test rates, motor activity, theoretical and practical training system, competitive performance.


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