Age-specific anthropometric characteristics variation rates in speed skating sport



PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Bakanov1
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Voronin1
PhD, Professor A.V. Titlov2
1State University of Humanities and Technology, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region
2State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Analyses of the multiple study reports show that the athletes’ adaptation to physical trainings is age-specific, with the adaptation responses in every age group depending on the training models and intensities. Thus in the adolescence period the cardiovascular system growth is associated with increases of the heart size, stroke and minute volume. At the same time, the bodily physical performance grows with the functional systems modified by the reasonable physical trainings loads and intensities. The study was designed to analyze the age- and fitness-specific anthropometric characteristics variations in the speed skaters’ adaptation periods. The national study reports show the age-specific adaptation being dependant on the physical workloads, priorities and intensities.
Objective of the present study was to rate the age-specific anthropometric characteristics variations in speed skating sport. We made detailed analyses of the muscular and fat mass variations versus the anthropometric data in the training process to produce anthropometric characteristics (including limb length rates) variation profiles. Sampled for the tests were 58 skaters classified into 5 groups by the fat/ muscular mass rates to find the group variations in anthropometric characteristics.

Keywords: speed skating, sports, anthropometric characteristics, morphology, age, tissue.


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