Endurance and stress tolerance building circuit training model for female students



PhD E.S. Potovskaya1
O.N. Krupitskaya1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Due stress tolerance is required in the modern academic education to control the studies-specific stresses and secure good emotional balance and performance. Physical activity is appreciated for its stress mitigation, mental conditioning and professional performance improvement effects under heavy job-specific stressors as it develops overall/ static/ strength/ coordination endurance. We run an experiment to test benefits of the overall/ static/ strength/ coordination endurance and stress tolerance building circuit training model for female students.
Sampled for the study were the 1-3-year female students (n=120) of National Research Tomsk State University trained in fitness groups and split up into Reference and Experimental Groups. The Reference Group trainings were dominated by the weighted fitness practices; and the Experimental Group trainings were complemented by the new endurance and stress tolerance building circuit training model, with the group progress tested on a systemic basis. The group progress in the stress tolerance domain was rated by a questionnaire survey. The pre- versus post-experimental tests showed benefits of the new model as verified by the meaningful progress in endurance and stress tolerance of the Experimental Group versus Reference Group.

Keywords: female students, fitness, new training model, stress tolerance, endurance.


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