Game aggression rating method driven by vibration imaging technology



PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Lutkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.M. Makarov1
V.A. Minkin2
PhD, Associate Professor J.N. Nikolaenko2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2LLC «Multisectoral enterprise "Elsys"», St. Petersburg

Game aggression is interpreted herein as the controlled aggression in sports geared to secure a strategic advantage in competitions in the critical game intervals and matches on the whole. Coaches may test the mental and physiological responses of athletes to certain impacts using a set of the relevant criteria to rate the individual game aggression. The tests use a variety of stimulating images demonstrated on the screen in the questioning process. The game aggression express test data give the means to analyze the individual mental and physiological response profiles.
The test program was designed using the relevant set of game aggression rating criteria including the legal, physical, game, adaptive, strategic and tactical ones. Each of the game aggression rating criteria was covered by a special questionnaire survey to profile the current mental and physiological states and analyze distribution patterns in the responses. Sampled for the study were the Class I 19-20 year old academic athletes (n=20) competing in a few team sports at Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, with the test data processed by VibroSport software.

Keywords: game aggression, skilled athletes, method, questionnaire survey, vibration imaging technology .


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