Mass sport qualification criteria



PhD, Associate Professor V.G. Medvedev1
E.Yu. Platonova1
PhD D.G. Stepyko1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1
1 Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The results of the analysis of literature sources and practices of successful international sports federations developing elite sports and mass (public) sports are presented. The authors identified indicators for classifying sports activities in mass sports: lack of gender and age restrictions; the availability of all-weather classes and the lack of expensive technical equipment; the opportunity to engage in sports throughout life; the possibility of acquiring basic vital skills aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle habit; a sufficient number of coaching and instructor personnel; inclusion of a sport or its basic elements in a physical education lesson at a school or university; predominantly global nature of physical activity with aerobic energy supply; the possibility of conducting classes or competitions outside sports facilities among various groups and categories of the population; the presence of regional organizations (sports federations). The authors note that at the same time, the presence of the above indicators determines the potential for the general accessibility of the sport, however, without the implementation of special state programs aimed at implementing the established potential, the mass problem cannot be solved.

Keywords: sport, mass sport, 'sport for all'.


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