Health and recreational benefits of sports and effective provisions for them



Dr.Sc.Philos., Professor V.I. Stolyarov1
PhD, Associate Professor S.S. Gulyaeva2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

The problems of implementing the health and recreational function of sports, which is becoming increasingly important in modern conditions, are discussed. The authors disclose the recreational and recreational function of sport, identify the conditions for the full implementation of the recreational and recreational function of modern sport, justify the need for a new model of sport for the full and effective solution of recreational and recreational tasks based on sports activities. The authors, analyzing various models of sports in the activities of the Olympic movement, other international movements, identify both positive and negative aspects of their concepts and practical activities for the implementation of the health and recreational function. Given the described situation, the authors point to the work by V.I. Stolyarov, which presents the concept developed by the scientist and the program of the innovative model of mass sports called "sports for health and recreation", which is designed to use all the positive, and at the same time eliminate the problems and difficulties of modern sports models in solving health and recreational tasks.

Keywords: health and recreational function.


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