Cultural resource of children and youth sport: mobilizing mechanisms
Associate Professor, PhD O.N. Batsina1
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Danilova1
PhD N.Y. Dreyko1
Associate Professor, PhD F.D. Mukhamityanov1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Perm Territory, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the article was to analyze the ways to improve the junior athletes’ educational and socializing process – with the understanding that competitive accomplishments are largely due to the sport-specific personality qualities. It is the personality qualities formation domain that shall be in top priority for trainers to facilitate the educational and socializing process in youth sports – that may be interpreted as the controlled accommodation and acceptance of the external socio-cultural values by the individual psycho.
A junior sport subculture may be referred to as one the key cultural fields that offers a socio-cultural framework for the individual sport accomplishments in the context of the sport-specific cultural ideals with their symbols, signage, folklore, communication formats, requirements and behavioral stereotypes. Good understanding of the educational and socializing process goals and mechanisms by the coaching communities may help, on the one hand, step up the competitive performance and, on the other hand, facilitate the personality development process on the most harmonic basis.
Keywords: education, socializing, sport, socio-cultural activity, educational and socializing mechanisms, sport subculture.
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